YOU is the one You see.. and
ME is the one the no one can see....
ME is the one who I Am.... When your
YOU and my
ME.. live in synchronize... this life is but a blessing otherwise... When You love the
ME in us... we learn to love and gratify self... for we are made of both what we see and what we are... they may be different but to us... but thrive in one entity alone... it takes you to a land where your conscious meets subconscious side and make every moment of you live life unified.... Be the one w\you are and the one you portray.... :)
Those eyes look like serene ocean to me,
they look like a gloomy sky filled in thee..
they look like a silent voice that speak.

hey look like portraying mysteries of life in thee...
What could thy be, so intricate of love
so woven into the beauties ... and how.,
wondrous and calm... splendid somehow... !!
What maketh you so special and unique to me,
or is it nature to have taken extra care in making thee... ??
need no words or ripples to feel...
cos.. just being you.. makes me feel...
that.. being just you ... is freeing me from my being....
<3 d it Dr .,.,